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Immeasurable?: The Dance in Dance Science

Immeasurable?: The Dance in Dance Science



Papers from Laban Research Conference, 23 July 2005

Hargreaves, Martin & Shaw, Thom (Editors)
London: Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (2005)


Detailed Description


  1. Measurable? Immeasurable? What are we really looking for? (Sylvie Fortin)
  2. Dancing from the centre. Where is it? How do we find it? Does it matter? (April Nunez)
  3. Research methods and African dance forms : issues concerning theatrical dance practice (Funmi Adewole)
  4. How does what is measurable affect the learning and teaching of dance? (Frances Lavington-Evans)
  5. Eye, delimit, survey, tailor : a research process story (Pamela Newell and Sylvie Fortin
  6. Alexander technique : what are the measurable effects on dancers' alignment, performance and confidence (Sarah Jane Irvine)
  7. Splines in space : quantifying esoteric dance (Matthew Gough)

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