Contents: Fortin, Sylvie : Dancing on the Mobius band Tandon, Rekha : Dancing Odissi with the tantric body map Alexander, Kirsty : Unravelling the dance : an exploration of dance's under-developed relationship with its kinaesthetic nature, with particular reference to Skinner releasing technique Skelton, Rebecca : A way of travelling from the middle through the middle : an investigation into how Skinner releasing technique can be seen as a somatic practice that fosters creativity Bober, Jocelyn : Theoretical principles of the Feldenkrais method in relation to selected theories of motor learning and control Chappell, Kerry : Investigating creativity in late primary age dance education : developing a practical methodology and details of accompanying preliminary findings Nunes, April : The internal / external dialogue of the dance and how it affects the creation of movement Timmons, Wendy : Traditional Cretan dance, past and present training methods. Initial investigation and suggestions for interventions in future training - underpinning safety and prevention of dance injury Veropoulou, Evdokia : wheelchair dance sport : a paralympic sport
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