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SDCS Module: Living Architecture (2024-2025)

SDCS Module: Living Architecture (2024-2025)


The Specialist Diploma in Choreological Studies (SDCS) is a vocational course to support existing and emergent artists and educators with some previous experience of Laban’s work in achieving a high level of competency in the practical exploration, experimentation and application of Choreological 

These theories of human movement initially put forward by Rudolf Laban and developed by current professionals in the field will stimulate the development of your artistic intelligence, physical competence, creativity and autonomy through engendering literacy in the complexities and inherent 
forms of human movement. 

The course will engender a deeper and wider level of understanding through a coherent series of discursive practical workshops and lectures. The workshops will explicate the palette of human movement, looking at movement from within itself with a language of its own. Lectures will cite the 
praxis in its historical framework and within the context of movement theory and learning. 

Students are supported to develop a rigorous understanding of the structures of movement and the ability to examine, analyse, document and physically demonstrate this knowledge. Tutorials will then support students in their own practical application of this knowledge to their own areas of interest within the field of each module. 

SDCS Module: Living Architecture (2024-2025), All Terms


SDCS Module: Living Architecture (2024-2025) - Term 3 (Tutorials and Assessment)


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